What a beautiful summer-like day for the beginning of April! We did a floral assessment on Flipper's Bend in Signal Mountain in both the woodland areas and under the power lines in the "prairie." On the way up the mountain, you could see azaleas, fire pinks, wood phlox already in bloom. The higher elevations were a little bit behind, but the Azaleas (R. canadens and periclymenoides) are blooming and the Poison ivy is definitely up. Some spring ephemerals were still blooming like Bluets and Violets while other spring flowers like Partridgeberry and Pipsissewa are still in bud. The Blueberry and Red Chokeberry crops for this year looks to be bountiful based on the sheer volume of blooms.
It's still too soon for many of the sun-loving plants and we only saw Betony. and Phlox in bloom.
For a photos, just click on the gallery below.